Surviving Cuffing Season (and Other Tips for the Holidays)

December 20, 2024

Once the temperature drops and finals week wraps up, the holidays (travel, egg nog, string lights, and mistletoe) start to feel more real. As you prepare for family get-togethers, Hallmark movies, and the usual merriment of the season, keep these tips in mind! 

Pre-Trip Check Up

Since you’ll likely be planning other activities on your trip from campus to the house why not plan a wellness exam and STD test? If you’re under 25 you’re covered under your parent’s insurance (so little to no cost to you), and both procedures are total wins for your health. 

Plus, it’s recommended by the CDC to do both once a year if you’re sexually active (fun fact!). Use our clinic finder to locate your nearest clinic and see what their holiday hours are.

Friendly Remember to Pack Birth Control

Before you board, be sure you’ve checked your bags for birth control. If you’re on the pill, bring enough BC to take during your time away, and update any reminders you’ve set to account for travel time or time zone changes. Also, no matter your BC method, bring condoms. They prevent pregnancy and STIs. Win-win!

To Cuff or Not to Cuff

It’s cuffing season (yes, it’s still a thing!). You’ll probably see friends sharing their latest relationship updates, party highlights, and maybe you’ll find yourself wondering “should I be cuffing this season?”. The answer? It’s 100% your choice. 

If you do decide to indulge an old flame or take things past the mistletoe-stage, be sure to communicate what you are and are not comfortable with. Consent matters ALWAYS. As stated earlier, make sure you have your BC ready and stay safe! 

Enjoy the Season Your Way

#FOMO has over 1.3 million posts on Instagram–and a lot of them are from teens anxiously wondering whether or not to spend the holidays like a highlight reel. Another friendly reminder to enjoy the season your way. Whether that’s going to a big party, watching a favorite film with friends, or spending time with number one (yourself!), take time and enjoy the moment. 

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Surviving Cuffing Season (and Other Tips for the Holidays) - Fact Not Fiction