What is HPV?
HPV is a virus that infects the genital areas, mouth or throat of both males and females. Health problems caused by HPV include warts on the genitals or throat, and in some cases cervical cancer in women. (Genital warts caused by HPV do not turn into cancer, even if left untreated.)
It is most often contracted through vaginal, anal or oral sex, but can be contracted through any genital contact.
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI).
How do I know if I have it?
Most people never develop symptoms with HPV, so many people who have contracted HPV do not know that they are infected with the virus or spreading it to others.
However, genital warts are one indicator of HPV, and left untreated the warts could increase in number or size.
Cancer-causing strands of HPV do not cause any symptoms until the cancer has advanced.
Can it be cured or treated?
There is no treatment for HPV, but there are some treatments for the health problems that result from HPV (genital/oral warts, cervical cancer) that can be provided through your doctor.
Although there is no cure for HPV, there are several preventative measures you can take to keep from contracting the disease. There are vaccines available for both males and females to prevent the contraction of HPV.
Regular visits to a gynecologist for screenings can be a huge factor in preventing HPV related cervical cancer and treating health issues caused by HPV.
Condoms can lower your chances of contracting HPV, but HPV can infect areas that are not covered by condoms – so condoms do not fully protect against HPV.
If you’re worried that either you of your partner has HPV, be sure to get tested.
Read more at the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/std/HPV/STDFact-HPV.htm If you need to get tested, visit our website for help locating a Mississippi clinic near you: https://www.factnotfictionms.com/clinics