TikTok has risen in popularity over the past year and 41% of users are aged between 16 and 24, so it’s no surprise that doctors have taken to TikTok to teach young people about sexual health, safe sex, and different kinds of contraception! We rounded up some of our favorite doctors and OBGYNs on TikTok, and remember to talk to a trusted adult if you have any questions about your sexual health. Whatever you do, don’t do it in the dark!
@drleslie GUYS need to care too! #dude #guys #dailydoctorfacts #men #trending #fyp #greenscreen #verymuchadequate #trending
@doctorcheema @joinpillclub let’s dispel the myths around pregnancy and #birthcontrol together. https://joinpill.club/drcheema #mybodymypill #pillclub safesex #ad