“I have been told that I have a high chance of being infertile due to my eating disorder. My partner and I have being having unprotected sex (neither of us have any STDs) since December, and I was just wondering if there is any chance I could still get pregnant?”
Without more information about your medical condition, it is difficult to answer your question. For women with either anorexia or bulimia, chances of becoming pregnant may be decreased but there is still the possibility.
Risks to the mother from anorexia and bulimia include: Poor nutrition, dehydration, cardiac irregularities, gestational diabetes, severe depression during pregnancy, premature births, labor complications, difficulties nursing, post-partum depression.
Additionally, there are risks to a developing baby. They are : poor development, premature birth, low birth weight for age, respiratory distress, feeding difficulties, and other perinatal complications.
You need to be honest with yourself and your health care provider about your struggles with eating. If you are still having difficulties, birth control should be considered until you are able to manage your eating disorder.
We got this information from the NEDA website : https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/pregnancy-and-eating-disorders